I bought the book Designer One Skein Wonders for a few different patterns, but I especially had my eye on Boy Oh Boy, which calls for exactly one skein of Dream in Color Classy. I love Dream in Color so much, I didn't want to waste this beautiful skein of Blue Lagoon I had on a hat or something that would leave so much yarn left over. This pattern is a perfect one skeiner- I only had maybe 10 yds left over.
How cute is this little thing? And it was so much fun to knit. 5 separate pieces, all small and taking not more than an evening to complete. The seaming, not so much, but it was a good learning experience. It was all in reverse stockinette and so it was good practice for my cabled hoodie.
I went back and forth on the buttons. There were rustic looking wood ones in the pattern photo, which I really liked, but I couldn't resist these elephants. Something about the bright blue yarn just called for elephants.
All in all, I couldn't be happier with the process or the product. I wish I had something so satisfying planned next, but unfortunately I didn't find that *perfect* knit to take along on my long trip up to Cincinnati. I have yarn for a pair of Charade socks, but that doesn't feel quite right. I'll have to make it work, though- the movers came today and all my yarn is packed away!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Boy oh boy
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11:42 AM
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Forgetting Type A Knitting
Believe it or not, I have photographic evidence that I am actually knitting this damn cabled hoodie:
That's the back, a front, and a sleeve. Blocked and just waiting to be seamed together to see if they will actually fit me. They've been like this for a few weeks now, but every night when I come home, seaming just seems like too much to ask. It's hot, so I'm not inspired by the prospect of wearing the hoodie, but I am inspired by these:
Although I really love this little minx and am proud that I've actually gotten this far despite the massive amounts of frustration, I just can't handle her right now. My Ohio sweater will meet her fate and actually be completed in Ohio.
Here's the thing- I have been wrestling with a sense of knitting guilt all week. I put down my sweater because it was just too much and started on a pair of basic socks. I very much enjoyed making these socks for someone who will appreciate them very much, so why did I feel a nagging sense of disappointment in myself for not being more exciting? I feel like I've let my Type A tendencies seep into my knitting- like if I can't make the newest or coolest or best thing, then I shouldn't be knitting it. If I don't have 50 hearts on a Ravelry project, then I need to step up my game.
So today I decided to make a conscious effort to stop being externally motivated. I started another baby sweater for my nephew and forcibly ignored the little voices in my head yelling, "you've had too many baby things on the blog! People will think you're boring! If you have to make a baby sweater, at least make up your own pattern!" and instead took out some delicious Dream in Color Classy in the prettiest bright blue color (Blue Lagoon, it's called) and started on a little sweater from Designer One Skein Wonders. Because even though I know I am a little too effusive in my excitement over my new nephew, I just can't resist. I mean, seriously- look at this kid:
So that's it. I am hereby forgetting my Type A tendencies and just knitting whatever makes me feel good. And baby sweaters in handpainted yarn make me feel good.
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7:30 AM